call of duty black ops emblems:D ( (
call of duty black ops emblemsharrymerkin
Sep 9, 09:53 AM
News is geektool, weather and calendar are from Amnesty and the wallpaper . . .honestly I cannot remember where the hell I got it!
call of duty black ops emblemsquantum003
Jun 7, 06:52 PM
Thought it would (roughly) convey Steve's thoughts on all the leaks this year, using a hit that most people are familiar with.
Very clever! :D
call of duty black ops emblemsbobbleheadbob
Apr 4, 11:29 AM
Those ****** %}%^>&$s! How could they do this?!?!? :mad:
Call of Duty: Black OpsWhile I'd like to applaud MacRumors for instituting a blood drive, it seems particularly cruel in that there is a larger percentage of gay men among Apple fans than in the general population.
And we can't donate.
For political reasons, not scientific ones.
Even the American Red Cross wants our blood:
Talk about risk factors--what about closeted gay men who screw random strangers, having unprotected sex, and then go home to their cozy wife & kids? If their wife/workplace encourages them to donate blood, are they going to reveal their sexuality and not donate? Sure, they can go through the act and check the box so their blood gets thrown away... but if they're ****ing guys behind their wives' backs, why would they show any honesty or compassion for their fellow humans.
You know this must be happening every day. And yet where are the news stories of people being infected with HIV. There are none. Because we have tests now--we've had them for a while--to detect HIV. So the blood isn't used.
So why can't out gay men donate?
No scientific reason. It's political.
The Human Rights Campaign, the American Red Cross, America's Blood Centers and AABB, formerly known as the American Association of Blood Banks, support easing the lifetime ban to allow gay blood donors. In a joint statement, the blood organizations said that safety was the first priority and that potential donors should be screened more fairly, regardless of sexual orientation.
About three months ago, Sen. John Kerry and 17 other senators signed a letter to the FDA blasting its "outdated" policy.
Gay men, including those who are in monogamous relationships, are forbidden from contributing blood for the rest of their lives, while "a heterosexual who has had sex with a prostitute need only wait a year [before giving blood]. That does not strike me as a sound scientific conclusion," Kerry wrote in a March 9 letter.
call of duty black ops emblemsRedReplicant
Apr 4, 01:35 PM
How do I get my dock to look like this anyone???
defaults write no-glass -boolean YES; killall Dock
call of duty black ops emblemsAre you able to only download the fixes? Otherwise it is a 600mb plus patch
Do you really think the patch is 600MB. You really don't have a clue.
call of duty black ops logomichaelsaxon
Jan 9, 02:35 PM
AppleTV is interesting, but the phone is way too expensive for me. 802.11n doesn't help me because I have a Core Duo Macbook Pro which apparently doesn't upgrade to "N" like the Core 2 Duos.
No news on iLife, Leopard, iPods, etc.
Not much for me to be excited about.
call of duty black ops emblemsnobunaga209
Dec 25, 08:54 PM
From my girlfriend :)
Got that for my lady.
I got a "gee-tar" from the misses and new grill from the in-laws.
CoD Black Ops. call of dutyso this is only unlimited "to" any mobile, what about "From"
Call of Duty : Black Ops isjknight8907
Dec 25, 09:23 PM
^they sell gas grills in Texas?! :eek:
"Bobby, in Texas, we use propane!"
call of duty black ops emblemsMatthew M.
Dec 15, 03:20 AM
Call Of Duty Black Ops Emblems
call of duty black ops emblemscheck out this resurection of the commodore 64
Looks like one of those Nettop boards inside a C64 chassis and an emulator...
How about an Atari 400?
call of duty black ops emblemsnonameowns
Mar 20, 11:09 AM
here is a idea, don't do LD clients. and charge by the hours? cmon that is silly
get a quote and get client pay a third before working. call that a unrefundable deposit. so that way throughout the process, if for any reasons the client drop out, you still have some money for your time.
brand identify, website, etc are always least a grand. Professional, even more!
call of duty black ops emblemsFull of Win
Mar 25, 11:47 AM
Any update MUST have the ability to store maps on the device and not stream them from the internet. Data rates are so massively high in other countries that I usually keep data off, or if I have the international plan, will not waste my precious MB's on maps unless I have to.
I could see the reason for keeping it off originally, when capacities were 4 GB and 8 GB. However, with the iPhone 5 having most likely 64 GB of space, the time is here to have the option to store maps locally.
call of duty black ops emblemsWirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)
White iPhones do not get tracked; just ask a black one and it'll tell you it can't go anywhere without being watched.
There's my sarcasm for the night. ;)
Best Call of duty BlackopsMacaroony
Mar 16, 06:32 PM
11...21...31...whatever the age ones mode of attire is not an invitation or deterrent to rape. I swear some of the characters are straight out of "The Handmaid's Tale".
Unfortunately, in many cases it is.
There are many despicable men out there I would gladly hit over the head with a baseball bat, but when a woman finds herself violated or raped after dressing up like a Las Vegas showgirl on a coffee break she shouldn't be surprised of being accused having instigated it in some way.
call of duty black ops...and if he is, is there the frightening possibility that if he says it for long enough, the iPhone rumour will come true.
That'll be in 2021, when Apple, the media division of Packard-Dell, rebrands a Sony-Ericsson-Realnetworks Q-380Z 6th-gen personal communicator and sells it as the "iPhone Yahoogolous."
Sorry, that probably needs some explanation. In much the same way as "Turbo" was in the '80s, and "Power" was in the '90s, and "Extreme" is in the 2000's, "Yahoogolous" is the marketing-word of 2021. Nothing to do with the .com that took over Microsoft in 2015 though.
I'd disagree that designers should be making text areas 100% wide though. I've a 2560 wide screen. That'd be silly. Letting users on the other hand size it themselves and giving designers the tools to accommodate resizing is the way to go
At the same time, it's kinda silly to view most web pages at 2560 wide, even 1200+. At that point a paragraph is usually only one or two lines, forcing you to do quite a bit of tracking to read what you want. If you're comfortable viewing the text that way, why not edit it that way as well?
But I definitely agree that letting the users resize the textareas inside the page is a great usability feature. Just was trying to point out that there are already (simple) solutions to the issue.
Aug 18, 10:12 PM
I know you can just go converttoguide.php?=(postnumber) and it will convert that post to a guide but is there an easier way than pasting the post number on the end of it?
From PCMAG:,1759,1753026,00.asp